Thursday, March 7, 2024

Here comes the sun... I think


Hi everybody. You know I often think back to other time periods sometimes. I jog down some notes about it and then go through those notes on an early Sunday. Well, thinking back to that time period. I often made pals from buddies I met while serving in the army during the “Korean Conflict”.

A little after the fighting had stopped, eighth army headquarters began the process of reassigning me from one area to another, I found myself in a much more comfortable life situation then having to perform “Intelligence and Reconnaissance” duties, many times in some dangerous areas of the Korean countryside. I was glad to get the hell out of there. Prior to my being transferred most of us had experienced many false alarms announcing how the “Korean Conflict” would soon be quickly coming to its end. Well, this time the announcement was actually taking shape.

But first…I’d like you to bear with me as I share a couple of days leading up to a monumental change for many of Americans like me who were simultaneously experiencing a similar happening. Within my mind set though, and never since have I experienced any of such exacting circumstances… and personal self-revelations from yours truly.  

God had paid tribute to the people of the world on that day. It was July 27, at exactly 9:00PM there were many of us that night who gave thanks together as one. It occurred, that this mixed group of soldiers, so conceived by people from the world over, this one moment in time. We became spiritually imbibed. Remaining with me, forever etched, and perhaps an instrument parceling my soul forever…

Seeking maintenance for my new spiritual demeanor 

American service men and women 

became one 

Relenting magic took hold without warning 

nor artificial truths 

teams molded, clasped hands silently praying

groups formed

These young all together

not ever again troubled by passage of time

Would God answer prayers 

All stood in the early hours

Waiting enmeshed in dreams

within this new world

Lord, had peace been delivered 

Sleep had cleared our eyes

and though studying outside

no one spoke.

Fearful reality remained within 

all together

This patriotic band


the fighting would 

 not begin again 

During the wee hours 

without design, covered by a still darkness

Without design many drifted outside into formation 

Within the darkness quiet prayers were heard

The dawn of the next morning 

belief coveted us all


boys were heard

becoming men

Without words of explanation

a circle of troopers had formed

We gathered together as one

With new light

sunlight had replaced the darkness 

  Faces reflecting sentiment of prayers answered. I truly believe during that one moment in time, there was a divine meaning we shared together, one and all.

Boy’s becoming men experience took hold that warm evening in July 1953. When the hand from a loftier place then we knew, brought us all together to stand knowingly as one anew.

-da harv

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