
Have you ever tossed and turned during the night knowing the
cause was being over tired and wiped out? That was I some few days ago.
Our business is so damn strange; it always has been. We can sit and stare at the walls
wondering whether anyone exists out there in the realm of advertising or if
they have all expired into the wind, and been blown out to sea.
Thankfully, June 2012 has turned into a battle of the
fittest. We’ve been slammed with business. Slammed to the point of being bone
weary at the end of each day. But the real culprit, or tipping point (as some
would call it) as cause celebre for my exhaustion is my freeway drive home at
the end of each day. It’s an easier task handling the traffic in the morning than
the madness that transpires when we’re attempting our return home.
If what follows seems to be a touch disjointed, it’s not
without reason. My words were stimulated by the mish mash, which took place
during the wee hours of the morning. I chose to scribe as the thoughts entered
and departed, in and out of my brain at around three AM these past few
mornings. If it doesn’t make sense, I apologize, but ask along with your
forgiveness to please not question me as to the saliency of what I have
transcribed. Perhaps, if life disturbs your sleep, you’ll be able to identify
with me, or maybe not. My dreams are only special because they are mine. I am
told that most dreaming takes place only moments before we awaken. That being
said it becomes amazement when these surreal sequences are taking place in a
few short seconds before we are actually fully cognizant that the dream itself
has come to an end.
Let My Dreams Be Told
Time, unknown
Origin, unknown
Players, from my past
Friends From The
entered my bedroom all at the same time. Participants as real as in any dream
I’ve ever experienced – in living color and simultaneous black and white. All
appearing in a sweep across my screen, without the benefit of a screen,
accompanied by a recognizable variety of sounds and smells from my then ten
year old existence. From my bleary mindset I said to myself this has to be a
dream. Yet it was as real as it ever looked when I was actually back there with
my friends from the street. We never expressed verbal love for each other;
thinking about it assures me love was there, it had to be.
My Friends from the street – we were all different, yet all
the same. You have to love them, I know I do; I probably always have.
(As an aside…)
Disclaimer: Bridled by the deceit of being in a constant state
of political correctness, the average person I run into (almost daily) appears
to be afraid of their own ass. I suppose it would mean they are probably afraid
of everyone else’s ass as well. These are the wonderful folks who trudge
through life in a state of constriction.
“The constricted are the restricted.”
(Aside continues…)
Don’t say this and don’t say that and be ultra careful about
becoming offensive to anyone and everyone. We’re in a new society of “let’s be
careful.” Watch what you do in addition to watch what you say. “Let’s Be Anal Time,”
a great name for a reality show, don’t you think?
What follows is a basically an unedited version of a dream
sequence as best recalled by a man who rarely gives thought to political
correctness. He laughs at the folly of others as if they were his own.
Breathe in deeply the streets of Brooklyn, New York. My home
territory was spread equally between Brownsville and Flatbush, both townships
within the borough of Brooklyn.
Each of these communities had recognizable neighborhoods,
fully stocked with the world’s ethnicities.
If Noah were required to take two of each from our streets,
his ark would not have been big enough. That’s not to imply we were like
animals. It’s my way of being descriptive and truthful, as opposed to being
politically correct.
I admit I am not now nor will I ever be confused with those
who stammer along in life with the terrible burden of political
“The heartiest laugh a person can have is when they are
laughing at themselves.”
- HK
And laughing is what life is all about (in my humble
opinion). We kids at play in the streets (dodging whatever happened to be
headed our way at the time) always spent large chunks of our day laughing at
everything, everybody, every sound, and especially at each other. We weren’t
class clowns… anyway not all of us… well, probably most.
The kids who were one year older than us were the leaders.
They were known, of course, as the big guys. Our chronological age designated
us as “the wannabes” – the younger kids always designated as the followers. The
particular ethnicity was of no consequence when it came to leadership amongst
us kids. I t was always the same: the big guys and the rest of us.
And there they strode into my bedroom with the same gusto we
all lived our lives with. Brooklyn, New York was frenzy while it happened and a
frenzy getting ready to happen. Good God, was I ever capable of moving at that
kind of fever-pitched pace?
In a split second, the kids were gone and their parents
somehow took their places in my life. The pace slowed momentarily but the
energy level increased. They dressed as if it were yesterday, a kaleidoscope of
color and style. Foreign languages mixed in with broken English, neighborhoods
adjoining without the divisiveness of walls. It was an overall environment
stoked with dignity. The streets were mobbed with people and in a split second they
moved into an enormous room with no dividers to separate them. The neighborhood
had been instantly melded into a single community of mixtures, ever changing as
I observed them. I knew them all, but was unable to single out any one person
or family.
What I retained was the abundance of people from all over
Europe gathered together in a huge room within my bedroom holding a community
Background: From the Early 1900’s
Both sides of my family held their own special meetings. It
was not an uncommon happening amongst the hordes of immigrants in our
distinctly ethnic neighborhood. Within a few short miles of our Brownsville Brooklyn
neighborhood we were jam-packed with humanity. Each denomination shared the
alikeness of taking a first step on their land to be, all in the same fashion.
Regardless of the country of origin, all of them felt a pride in having been
welcomed by the Statue of Liberty.
None of us gave thought about the reputation Brownsville
Brooklyn was building for itself. Until I became an adult I wasn’t aware there
was such a thing as the Jewish Mafia AKA “Murder Incorporated.” It wasn’t that
any group of people were prideful about having their own group of gangsters, it
was simply a way of life. The immigrants arrived, the good and the bad. And
within each neighborhood, the dedication to one’s family and faith was an
apparent driving force.
Within the Families
Not all family or friends are welcomed or revered…
There are times when certain aunts and/or uncles are known
to be on the not-ready-for-revered list. Revered or not, part of their
entertainment was to regularly visit other members of the family.
Almost without exception, all the immigrants had large
(My Mother’s side had eight siblings who survived a midwife
delivery; my Father’s side had nine.)
My cousins and I found the whole visiting bit a chance for
us to be alone while the adults solved the problems and vagaries of the world
we lived in.
I quickly discovered many things about my relatives that provided
great humor for me. The aunt with her endless chatter, the uncle who
continually makes a variety of awful sounds, and those who indiscriminately
drag children along for the disturbance aspect of what helps to create a
dysfunctional group. When they all show up in a dream at the same time, the
noise is deafening.
…And as the enchantment of an aria from Madam Butterfly came
through the speaker of my alarm clock radio, they were all instantly gone.