Thursday, July 24, 2014

It’s All The Rage: Don’t Act Your Age

“This is the lesson: Never give in... Never, never, never, never, …in nothing great or small, large or petty-never give in except to convictions of honor or good taste.”
Winston S. Churchill

Not then, as a child,
Or as manhood took over,
Physically following nature's
predictable course of events
Happening to find myself experiencing,
Never quitting, though provoking,
Or as is so aptly put in the world
of pugilism, throwing in the towel.

Regardless of personal mindset.
Each day of my manly humanization
Fortunately learning the curative value
a good night of sleep might bring...
And the next day with God once again
turning on the brightness of a new early morning
Looking forward whatever the reason
Was then my implacable direction?

Though his discernable direction
Far in the future
Never to be disclosed!

And the above
Truth be said
For all who knows the man
Or knew of him when living
If only by letters read

All agreed, some ferociously
No man ever more stubborn
Before, or in his stead.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “We are all shaped and fashioned by what we love.”

One person who had read his quote, instantly allowed complete agreement, expounding on how their total lifestyle was joyous and giving.

While another person, formed and covered by a different cloth, disregarded the author's substance while observing dispassionately, “How could a guy named Waldo know anything about real life or love?”

Is serving a form of elegance?
Is giving a form of graciousness?
Is turning the other cheek a loving thing to do?
Where do I travel at this seemingly late date to get the answers to my penetrable questions?

Questions most likely not answerable: a homeless man asleep on the street, obviously without any noticeable wealth after being mugged, knowing no other alternatives rivaling his survival, when asked by a reporter, “What were you thinking?” replied, "I felt I was about to die, and you know what…I didn’t give a damn until I realized I was far too young for a final breath."

It kind of shoots the shit out of what our friend Ralph Waldo Emerson had to say. Maybe the question about whether a guy named Waldo had credibility turns out to be a good one? I’d never be guilty of trying to explain to either of my children how the person who was stealing from the homeless man did so from a position of love. And, if the man were a loving guy, he would have informed the crook he had missed the real hiding place.

Mom and Dad were loving people, I guess, but they dispensed love on a family first quota. Simple people with a simple regimen; family first, followed by friends, if you happened to have any. Stay where you belonged in your own neighborhood. Don’t go looking for trouble. Stay in good shape so you could blossom tomorrow when God decides to turn the lights on for another day.


Have you ever given blood?
Been mugged?
Been in our country’s military service?
Been insulted because of your race or religious preference?
Been frightened to the point of vomiting, or losing control of normal bodily functions?

No? Then how the hell do you know what it might feel like to do so? But... you do qualify to become an elected official and, most likely, you already are one.

As I become older and older it becomes easier and easier to act my age. Often the thought of curtailing my emotional outbursts doesn’t remotely enter a psyche, which has endured a parade of dishonest and self-centered politicos hell bent on being a feature player on any power-driven stage that might have them.

A singer who can’t carry a tune, a comedian who isn’t the least bit funny, the pretty or handsome face that isn’t capable of any form of an honest portrayal, all joining forces with a ventriloquist whose lips move uncontrollably during a performance all manage to join hands and take a bow together, knowing it will be their last.

It is, after all, a paid election.
No audience will pay to see them ever again.

The actor, however, is forced by the nature of the beast that governs his life or death the constant necessity to audition for his future sustenance. His past and present will dictate the future. Unlike the elected official, who revels in being elected one term after another although his performances have been shoddy at best, he nevertheless is able to blame his ineptitude on the actors who trod the boards before him as the culprits, who should be the ones blamed for his deceit and malfeasance of performance. An actor who performs poorly usually experiences a short-lived career.

Shouldn’t that be the case for our civil servants?

As actors, we have in common an honesty that cannot be taken from us. We strive to perform well. We all seek the applause and standing ovations accompanying our fine performances. But what about our civil servants who lie and cheat? What about those who promise to serve my brethren--service men and women, who served those same civil servants that now without care make our heroes wait in endless lines?

My name is Harvey Kalmenson. I’m too old to concern myself with anything but the truth. We have men and women in line waiting to be helped. They paid for their tickets to get in, and now the people who own the theatres are not living up to the promises made to them.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

Friday, July 4, 2014

Would I Serve Again

Sadly, those of us who have served our country and experienced the explicitness--and the lack there of--of fear, pain, and endless yearning for those we love to return home, have also borne the brunt of neglect and despair caused by leaders who have failed--and continue to fail--at executing the promises they made to us as elected government officials. When we stepped forward and raised our right hands while swearing allegiance to our country, we did so bearing no thoughts of deceit. To the man, we considered ourselves to be exceptional men and women in an exceptional army.

As a nineteen year old, I was wrapped in our American flag. I boasted--without a smidgen of shame--that we were the best trained, best clothed, and best fed troops in the history of the world. Our doctors, nurses, and front line medical corpsmen were without equals. Our driving force for being an American was just that: being an American. Our military leaders told us they had our backs, and they never failed.

Memorial Day 2014 has come and gone.

As I gathered with many other veterans to express our thanks to all those who served the American cause before us, the overriding question asked was, “Would I do it over again?”

I feel, even though a fellow veteran raised the question, that my answer at this stage of my life’s tenure is completely innocuous. If I could turn the clock back to that day long ago, when my buddies might have been the ones in search of the answer about reliving my life’s trip, then--without question--they would have replied, "Sign me up."

“Never in hell! Why would I start again in harm's way, especially when the only ones who give a real damn are my own family and friends? Get a real life for yourself, shithead, or go get your ass shot off by a guy in a beard who’s never attended a baseball, basketball, or football game in their lives!

Asking me a would-I-do-it-all-over-again kind of question today was followed by the sort of an answer I didn’t like coming from me. Or maybe, what I offer as a reply makes more sense then when I was a nineteen year old soldier sharing my cares and fears with a couple of tent buddies.

Yes, I’ll volunteer to serve you
But only if those who accept my service
Agree to serve along side
Promises made to me by countrymen
Are promises by which to abide.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

One Veteran Speaks

AS THE VETERANS ADMINISTRATION struggles to repair damage caused by shoddy handling of health care for U.S. service members... many veterans who had their records wiped out in a massive fire at the National Personnel Records Center more than 40 years ago are still fighting to collect their benefits.

One veteran speaks is the title of this thing, but that one veteran also happens to be da harv, a.k.a Harvey Kalmenson. And, I am speaking, not in an attempt to tell you the truth about government, but to share and bear witness to the incongruity of seemingly almost everything the federal government lays claim to. Well, maybe not everything... only the stuff those who lack practical experience are in somewhat control over.


It may help to know and understand the rules of the road when it comes to the medical welfare of United States service personnel. All of us, without exception, are informed when we become G.I.s (government issue) that our well being is now the direct responsibility of the branch of service we joined. In my case, it was the Army. And, from the very beginning they, the army, took care of everything, regardless the cause. If a soldier was hurt or needed dental work while in the service, our medical corps saw to it or it was handled by a civilian doctor or hospital in the event we weren’t within reach of a service run installation.

Many years ago, as I was being mustered out of the United States Army, I found myself in the throes of one more, final medical exam. If you can conjure up the sights and sounds of a meaningless cattle drive, you’d be well on the road of picturing my hopeful and last experience with our government’s civilian handling of our military.

Two years earlier...

It was during basic infantry training at Fort Lewis, Washington that I had reason to have an Army dentist remove two teeth that had become loose during an accident while I was still a civilian.

Don't fret--it went off without a problem; all went well.

The Army Captain doing my dental work was as good a dentist as any I might have experienced as a civilian. It was explained to me that the Army would take care of replacing the teeth as soon as the toughest element of basic training was behind me. The way it worked out, the original plan had to be placed on hold due to the immediacy of me being shipped out to a combat zone. I was told not to worry then, too, as the teeth would be replaced by an Army dentist at my overseas location.

The needed dental work never occurred.

Goodbye to the Army--two teeth still missing.

Aside from a variety of small ailments not necessary to discuss, I was checked from stem to stern and found to be in exemplary good health at my final medical examination.

“When do I get my final dental work taken care of?” I asked the officer in charge.

It was explained to me in very short and rather curt terms that I was now the responsibility of the Veteran's Association (VA). It took six months from my mustering out of the Army for my appointment at the West Los Angeles VA to be set. On that day, I showed up on time with all of my papers in perfect order, or so I thought.

That was the laughable beginning and the end of my involvement with the Veterans Administration. (I did try one more time to get my work done--all to no avail.) It turned out that neither the Army, nor the VA had record of my teeth ever being extracted.

“So, you’re saying I pulled my own teeth?"

It was all a very long time ago and, I am able to report that my teeth have been replaced, but nothing else seems to have changed!

Friday, May 2, 2014

He Was "Grrrreat!"

For close to 25 years, Lee Marshall has been a part of our lives here at Kalmenson & Kalmenson. As an acting student, VO actor, and forever a friend, we will affectionately remember him always as the voice of "Tony the Tiger.”

Lee passed away Saturday, April 26, 2014.

We had the honor of casting the voice of this animated American icon, "Tony.” And then, we had the joy of learning that Lee, a Kalmenson graduate, was the choice.

Rest in peace, Lee.

Cathy & Harvey
On Behalf of Everyone Here in Our K&K Family