Monday, April 22, 2024

He yelled at God!…I heard him do it.



He yelled at God! 

I heard him! I heard him do it!

What do you mean? I can’t hear him.

Oh must’ve been sleeping.

I did hear him. He yelled at God!

…I heard him do it.


Let me explain something to you

What was all about

Here’s the case:

Two children

One six, one eight

A shining sky above them

of royalty spawned 

They loved their mom

their daddy, their king 

Each morning they awakened

more blissful than days before

This joyous family of four

Every day

they found only laughter in store 

Of four, then three, two, one

All had gone now

All new roads to trod 

far moved, their separate ways

Three live, now on

An abode with strangers remain

Where they once did play

is vacant

So empty of love

where they once did play


Well, I was still dreaming

and after I woke

on a gray April day

It became another morning

what seemed to be

an endless, forever

appearing for merchants

Unable to recap

what struggled before them

Promises never kept

Only prayers to say

Only searching for a higher power

then pondering the likes

If only it might come his way

Then as a reminder

meer but remembered

it came from within

Time to rest

during the grace of sleep


Would God ever yell back? 

 Some forty years ago,

or I believe it was then,

if memory permits me to recall,

I wrote a playn 

I called my play:

“Too Late for Dreams”

The play was about many 

others who might have been like me,

Going through life

posted in weakened position 

Revealing itself  

A Dad (like me) 

A Mom (like she) 

Two girls (not nearly as stable as mine) 

Their day by day life 

better than fine. 

What they all were 

What they might become

not yet determined by society.

He yelled, early on:

“When is it over?

Too Late for Dreams?”


It was written by me, Harvey Kalmenson, in April 2024 on a gray day.


And some notes along the way: If you have “the want to do so”, you may be interested in what was transpired in the early 1980’s, especially 1983 to be more specific. The song “Flash-dance” was an Oscar winner. While it the song had nothing to do with my play, it nevertheless sets a theme, for the life this particular family expresses a longing to ultimately lead. 

-da harv

Of Mice and Men

Hi everybody, da harv here. The movie was called: Of Mice and Men. It was originally written as a novella by John Steinbeck, in the very early 1900’s, and he also did a three act play adaptation, approximate date of that was 1937. Three films and or TV versions have since been adapted as well. 

Well, da harv saw the movie starring Burgess Meredith, Lon Chaney Jr, and Betty Field. I believe it was 1941, at the time, I really wasn’t totally cognizant of how emotionally down trodden our people had become. Our country was engulfed with World War II.  

  There have been many derivations of what writers through bygone years believed to be the origin steering the John Steinbeck interpretation, and thoughts about the origin and true meaning of “Mice and Men” he intended. 


Well here’s a note: In November of 1785, the Scottish poet Robert Burns penned the poem: “To a Mouse”. In his own way Robert Burns, the farmer, wrote to the mouse offering his own take on what life is really all about. In plowing up where the mouse had made his home, Burns was pointing out the mouse should not have been there. It was affecting him as the man who can’t foresee his own future. It was ergo a story, in poetic forms depicting “Of Mice and Men”. The last three paragraphs of his poem tells in finalization of what we all must live with. Both “farmer and mouse”. It was entitled: “To a Mouse”.

I’m truly sorry Man’s domination, his dominion

Has broken Nature’s social union’

An justifies that ill opinion,

Which makes thee startle,

At me,thy poor, earth-born companion,

An’ fellow-nortal! 

I doubt na, whyles, but thou may thieve;

What then? Poor beastie, thou maun live!

A daimen-icker in a thrave

a sma’ request, don’t ya think?

I’ll get a blessin wi’the lave,

An never miss it!

Thy wee-housie, too, in ruin!

It’s silly wa’s the win’s are strewin!

An naething, now,to dig a big a new ane,

O’foggage green! 

Ok I should tell you that was a lot of Scottish in there and here’s a note for you: In my humble opinion, It’s well worth it to get your hands on the true English translation of the poem, especially if you’re an educator of any of our younger of today's students. Fact was, Burns the farmer in him was coming out. He felt damn sorry about disturbing where this field mouse had chosen to establish his home site. But in any event if it be your case at hand… da harv dug it up for -ye.


“To a Mouse” (standard English translation) by Robert Burns himself way back in 1785.


Small, crafty, cowering, timorous little beast,

O, what a panic is in your little breast!

You need not start away so hasty

With argumentative chatter!

I would be loath to run and chase you,

With murdering plough-staff.

I'm truly sorry man's dominion

Has broken Nature's social union,

And justifies that all ill opinion

Which makes you startle

At me, your poor, earth born companion

And fellow mortal!

I doubt not, sometimes, but you may steal;

What then? Poor little beast, you must live!

An odd ear in twenty-four sheaves

Is a small request;

I will get a blessing with what is left,

And never miss it.

Your small house, too, in ruin!

Its feeble walls the winds are scattering!

And nothing now, to build a new one,

Of coarse grass green!

And bleak December's winds coming,

Both bitter and keen!

You saw the fields laid bare and wasted,

And weary winter coming fast,

And cozy here, beneath the blast,

You thought to dwell,

Till crash! the cruel plough passed

And through your cell.

That small bit heap of leaves and stubble,

Has cost you many a weary nibble!

Now you are turned out, for all your trouble,

Without house or holding,

To endure the winter's sleety dribble,

And hoar-frost cold.

But little Mouse, you are not alone,

In proving foresight may be vain:

The best laid schemes of mice and men

Go often awry,

And leave us nothing but grief and pain,

For promised joy!

Still you are blessed, compared with me!

The present only touches you:

But oh! I backward cast my eye,

On prospects dreary!

And forward, though I cannot see,

I guess and fear  


And to you my larger beast, and beasties

From da harv again


And often times today

Wondering about those

Who live in canvas and sheets

Under our bridges

Around forest lakes

Doors of buildings

Sidewalk street décor

Flattened corrugated boxes

Discarded pills and needles

And worst of all

If your wish is to call it that

Are the children from schools scurrying by 

Afraid the dereliction

May come to those who pass

This unwanted roost 

Somehow beckoning the past

They’ve replaced a poets joy

Dreamless without life 

They are there for us to see

But comprehension 

May never, ever will we understand

How it was created

For Mice and Men.


And now we go “On With The Show”


       It took many years before I was able to figure it out. It doesn’t matter who you are, or more exacting, what you’re able to figure out about life. What Mr. John Steinbeck so aptly put it into words forever exists today, and perhaps forever it will be so: “You can spend a lifetime planning your asses off, all to no avail.” Or you may be part of the group who manage not to become part and parcel of what Mr. Burns and Mr. Steinbeck uncovered.


       Well it seemed like it was yesterday, sixteen years ago, when the two of us stood there overlooking an old house with a guest house, and at one point two seven acres, that would soon fulfill my lifelong dream (I thought). And our hearts beating to our own personal John Phillip Sousa march, BEHOLD OUR PLAN TO BE! (We thought). Well, we were about to uncover the mouse. Perhaps before any large earth moving tractor operator inadvertently, put an end to what we so merrily inherited. Well, truth be told, all Cathy and da harv thought of was the unbridled “Great Expectations”. Making our driving force a life’s dream come to fruition! If John Steinbeck was up on our hilltop properly watching what the two of us was attempting to accomplish, he may have written a sequel to “Of Mice and Men”, calling it “Unable to Foresee''.

Or perhaps, and far better yet, what if we remind ourselves of the one and only original issue of “Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens, published in 1860. 


         And after the fact, as is the case for many of us, who share what thoughts enter our brains, subconsciously labeled during an often pestering recall. Self re encountering of would have, should have, might have been. These thoughts arrive unannounced and presenting an elaborate design of how one's life’s picture might otherwise could have taken shape: The mouse chose the wrong neighborhood to live in. The farmer felt badly about having to evict the mouse. Both began having “Great Expectations”.

See you later.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Fifty Years of Questions

        Hi everybody. Da harv here and I guess I'm gonna be talking about the last forty-five years I’ve spent messing around in this thing that’s inappropriately referred to as a business. Doubtful if we could or should ever remotely consider the assertion: Show business as a business. Well it really isn't a business, it’s a condition of the heart. Any mentally well-balanced human being would ever aspire to professionally. Once you’re in it, it’s pretty hard to get out of it. Equally as hard to stay with it.

           And a very short commentary of how we got into this “the first go around” if you might say it. Da harv got married too soon for words, to express one of the great misevaluations of how the practice of air indulgence, in order to breathe properly could possibly work. Plus at the beginning mistakenly undervalued by the similar experience of then having two children to support.

       While struggling to breathe, I whispered, “I do” (oy). Maybe I shouldn't have been even met the first person I fell in love with. But even before that, taking an acting class in high school from a rather beautiful unemployed actress who became a teacher. Go figure that out (another oy). Oh well, what the hell. Most of us, especially guys, miss some of the more important things while going through the trials and tribulations of growing up. Growing up if we can ever really tune in on that one.


       And so…here we grow again. Forty five years of still trying to figure things out. Someway, somehow, da harv remains paddling up stream. Cathy and I continue our attempted attack at staying in the game of our choice. Our motto is “Keep paddling or you’re going down my friend”. For us, it’s all about people. Voiceover, another acting craft. One day at a time. Each and everyday of one's life, everyone must learn something new in order to practice their craft properly. Reflection in order to tell the truth. Think about it, and then without hesitation look them right in the eye and share what you have learned about how to paddle. That’s all it’s about. If you find what I’ve just relayed to you being this difficult thing to do as one might perceive. My friend, you're on the right road to success. Being a winner is a difficult task to come by.

      During the course of my last fifty years of life, learning and educating people with my gleaned knowledge has provided a spiritual blessing I never would have dreamed possible. So from here on out. You're all welcome to write me via email, an industry question, or anything else you’d like to share with me and my world. This isn’t a hurtful kind of request. Please don’t offer a “get even” kind of thing.

And during the course of the many years I’ve been at this craft of directing. I’ve been asked more than once who my favorite two male or female actors have been. And you’d think that’d be a tough question to answer but you know what? Deep respect to everybody I’ve ever directed. Somehow, someway the same few people keep popping up. Ed Asner and Brock Peters on the male side. Each had something special going for them. That someway, somehow, it did separate them from the rest. And again someway, somehow, I really deeply identified it with both of them. Ed Asner and Brock Peters. On the female side it was much easier for me. Lucille Ball and Cloris Leachman. Two special women amongst all the other special women that I’ve directed

Ed Asner

Brock Peters 

Lucille Ball 

Cloris Leachman 

Ok here, Stop The Presses! 

This just came to me here.


The last time they had an earthquake in the New Jersey area of the east coast was back in the late eighteen hundreds. It’s early on Friday morning folks, April 5th. I’m at work here, freely trying to finish my regular Sunday musings, when Fox news (would you believe) interrupted to let me know about the 4.8 earthquake. Well, so far they report no injuries have been caused. However, both the republicans and the democrats have blamed each other for causing the possible earthquake damage. At an immediate Whitehouse press conference it was announced that there is definite proof that placing “razor wire” at the Texas border was of no help in stopping the earthquake. Unexpectedly we heard a whispered voice reading how it reminded him of the one they had in Delaware when he was very young. While his voice was not recognizable. It did however sound quite old, to this voice casters ears. Peter Doocy, following the press conference allowed, how the voice sounded like the president to him. The fact is Peter, you’d better get your story straight; The president didn’t move to Delaware until he was ten years of age.


And in case you’re interested… Biden was born in 1942 in Scranton, Pennsylvania. When he was 10 years old, his family moved to Claymont, Delaware. What’d you know about that?

Ok! I'll be darned. Another press out! Another press release. Again. This just in. Yeah!

The governor of New York has been handed a slip of paper from an unknown source showing proof positive that another note from an unknown source proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that one of Donald Trump’s children who had studied science while attending P.S. 233 in Brooklyn was the culprit responsible for the massive earthquake. Now there you go! You go girl! You go! Now that’s what I call accurate reporting. 

Don’t you think? Accordingly, since I am the only living remnant of my graduating grammar school class at P.S. 233 who is still managing to breathe well enough to survive. It could have been me that actually managed to make the earthquake happen. 

Remember... you heard the truth first and foremost right here from da harv.

Blessings on all your heads!

-da harv

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Something New For You

Hey everybody this comes to you from da harv here. It’s 2024 on a wonderful Easter Sunday. Something new for you… (I hope and pray). Here with, it pleases me to offer up some words penned, similarly presented free of charge by da harv without warning with nothing more than a blessing in advance and bearing with it a hope for you and your ability to breathe life into all you may choose to accomplish!  And so, from me and them for you and yours if you and they choose. I’ll begin with three erstwhile friends from my past… First a guy up here for us known as Ralph Waldo Emerson and one day he said…

“Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Never say 'no' to adventures. Always say 'yes’

otherwise you'll lead a very dull life.”

And that was another friend of mine Ian Fleming back in 1952. 

Ian Fleming

And then without thinking very hard this man who’s still working every single day. You might find these words good advice to follow:

"In life, finding a voice is speaking and living the truth. Each of you is an original. Each of you has a distinctive voice. When you find it, your story will be told. You will be heard."

And that came from mouth, heart and being of John Grisham.

 I didn’t know it at that particular time in my young life, how much John Grisham was going to mean to me. I was being taught inadvertently without fully understanding how much of his life’s meaning was being passed along creatively to me. It took him about thirty-five years of screwing around before he got his first book published. With magic strokes of an unseen pen his stalwart desire to succeed in life, immerging by his dreams, accounting as the managed manifest for what proved as one of the great literary accomplishments ever recorded. And as we look forward I offer…


Query, if you don’t mind.

Life’s pondering: often not divine

Cards being dealt

Playing them

Without debate

They are mine


Has it occurred to you lately…

Perhaps not appearing sedately

maybe, just maybe it has 

more often than you might think. 

But why and how did it happen?

(the) why?

(the) how?

(the) when? 

Rarely are assumptions held by you alone 

Do all successful people go through this?

I’ll just take it to the bank

Who cares anyway?

But still

You think



Perhaps you win

Yet without guarantees

Uncertainty persists 

Well then think about it again

It sounds good

Too damn good if it’s true


And just in case, if you haven’t noticed this all comes to you from da heart of da harv.

And on the morrow, the sun will be coming out, if you look out for it. That’s just one day more, but don’t wait, play the cards now. 

-da harv here