Monday, July 22, 2013
We shall weather this storm
Then, standing high on our hill
Without the aid of any other's hand
In truth, few other than one has been offered
Not smiling with contentment
For before us, yet left to be conquered
Raising higher
A spire never reached in a human lifetime
Our newest goal
God's wish still to be determined
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
To Russia With Love
It came as
a shock to me, the first time I was interviewed live by a radio host and
discovered that there were actually people listening to us. It’s difficult to
remember; it was quite a while ago. At the time, there was an abundance of late
night talk radio going on in Los Angeles. I do remember this was a late night
affair. The host explained to me in advance of airtime that he would introduce
me and begin by asking some pedestrian type showbiz questions before opening it
up to call-ins from his radio audience.
We sat
there for a moment or two, and then I heard his producer say something like a
count down – he got to five, four, three, two, some music came up and the next
thing I heard was the host of the show introducing me to his audience as he
thanked me for being there. We chatted for about two minutes before he
announced his station’s phone numbers. What seemed like no more than a few
seconds later, every light on his phone board lit up. I was mesmerized by the
action. He informed me, for all to hear, how it was all for me. It was amazing
that, at that hour of the evening, people were calling in to talk to da harv.
back, it does sound silly today. But, it was my first time on the air. Aside
from learning there are actually people listening out there, I learned that
there were differences in what people heard, thought they had heard, or perhaps
wanted to hear. That’s the part that amazed me then, and continues to amaze me
even more so today. People can be so bright – it’s scary. But, then again, on
the other hand, people can be so damn stupid – it, too, is even scarier.
backtracking some thirty or more years ago. It was circa 1978. As a reference,
you might find the what’s and what not’s of the time amusing. I’m not going to
bore you with the details, but the 1978 highlight was the Sony Walkman. The FAX
machine that we find indispensable, didn’t become a really popular business
machine until 1990. An Apple was something we’d eat. The human thumb was used
only as a signal – an umpire in a baseball game might use his thumb in order to
throw someone out of the game. And, only a drunk would try to write a letter
while driving a car on the freeway.
“Tweet, Twitter, Text, & Blog”
(Not a respected law firm)
Can you
believe the U.S. Postal Service still exists? We have all these unbelievably
scientific help mates being used by anyone and everyone, yet we still pay
people to hand carry a bunch of crappy advertisements to our homes and
businesses. Some of us even go to
a post office in order to send out a package. I guess there are people who
crave slovenly services.
Then, of
course, there are the people we pay whose job it is to take money from us. They
call themselves the IRS. These folks work for the IRS because no one in private
industry would consider having them as an employee. Can you imagine a
prospective employee being interviewed by you and their stand out character
traits are rude and deceitful? This group is equally as mentally deficient as
those employed by the average worker at the Department of Motor Vehicles. When
it comes to scruples, I would unquestionably choose the DMV worker to hire
before the IRS agent… at least they answer your questions honestly. Most DMV
workers are multi-lingual, or they have the ability to fake it. Many IRS agents
speak very poor English. But, whether or not you can understand what the IRS
agent is saying is of no consequence. As soon as you offer an objection, a
supervisor will assign a different person to your case.
Many things
have certainly changed since that year of my first radio experience. I
complained then, as I complain now, vehemently, all to no avail. With all these
wonderful improvements in the way we live our lives, our conveniences are too
numerous to keep track of. Everything around us is better… but is it, really?
I can only
speak out as one man. I can only serve my country as one man. I can only fight
against the indignities my government is subjecting me to, as one man. I will
fight to protect my family and friends with the strength of only this one man.
What our founders had and offered us was the acts of men, banded together in an
effort to secure their God given rights as men.
As a child,
I experienced the absolute synergism of my country’s people as they replicated
the strengths of our founders, and they too banded together with a might and
will to win. They were labeled “The Greatest Generation.” But our kids, boys
and girls, have equaled the efforts of those before them. Our military is an
all-volunteer society of protectors. They are given orders and they respond.
They come equipped to cover each other’s back – that’s what they do.
From the
“Greatest Generation,” and up until this very day, our military people have not
been our problem. These are not our postal workers, our DMV employees, our IRS
staffers, or, I suppose, a long list of men who have hung around quibbling far
too long. Our military is a totally partisan aggregation of men and women whose
purpose it is to protect our American freedoms and us.
We have our
military out there defending our rights. What about what we’re doing as part of
the bargain? What about our Veterans’ Administration being behind in servicing
the rightful claims of our troopers who gave with everything they had? We’re in
the process of increasing the size of our Internal Revenue Service by sixteen
Our Congress
of quibblers should be ashamed of themselves. How, I ask you, can people who
have never served in the military feel for those who have served and
sacrificed? As a veteran, I’d like to say as simply as I possibly can, “I
detest you people who we have duly elected to act on our behalf!”
Your worry
and concern is obvious. It is singular – how and what can you do in order to
guarantee your own welfare? What must you do and say in order to be reelected?
Have you
noticed the “let’s be politically correct syndrome” that grips our country? In
the event you haven’t noticed, it began at the top. But, whether it’s the top that
represents the origins of implausible correctness, the middle, or the very
depths of what people assume to be correct – I remind those who remain with me,
that flies are attracted to bullshit no matter where, or on what, the dung heap
it exists.
It isn’t
going to happen, but here’s a “what if” for any and all to ponder. What if it
were a possibility when you awoke tomorrow morning to find all the news on
television reporting the overnight disappearance of all criminals, and all
wrong doing of any kind? Don’t you suppose the necessity for police would also
evaporate as well? What if the same network news services reported the miraculous
disappearance of racism of any kind? I guess it would eliminate any need for
the likes of those who use racism to their advantage like Mr. Al Sharpton, or
Reverend Jessie Jackson? The former isn’t likelihood, but the latter has a
chance. The point is – race should never be an advantage or disadvantage.
During the
course of our last presidential election I made a statement regarding the
double standard on almost constant display by our Attorney General. It had to
do with an obvious voter intimidation sequence of events that transpired at a
voting location. My comment was, and my feelings have remained the same, that
the law requires voting locations to be free of undo influences or duress via demonstrations
by anyone at said polling location. The men doing the obvious harassment of
voters were never properly charged for what was, again, an obvious violation of
voter’s rights. My comment at the time was short, sweet, and directly to the
point, “Where’s Al Sharpton now?”
One of the
white actors within earshot immediately accused me of having delivered a racist
remark. Another actor, who happened to be African American, immediately jumped
in and called my accuser an asshole. The accuser sulked his ass out of my
studio while my unnecessary defender and I merely carried on with our work. It
seemed that neither of us had any need for Al Sharpton’s services.
The point
is, in our society, there exist hordes of people who exist only because of
trouble. Point, counter point during a legitimate exchange of thought isn’t to
be tolerated.
I think Attorney
General Eric Holder is arrogant. I feel the way I do because he has not been
forthright. Who cares? If you have to ask, you really don’t know me very well. If
I were to write and produce a show about me and the life I have lived, I’d call
it “Candid Comedy.”
Is anyone
out there listening to this?
The world
is apparently paying attention to some degree. Up until a week or so ago, I was
unaware of how many eyes were being focused on my work, and specifically where
in the world those eyes happen to be situated.
Here, and I
do believe in alphabetical order, is a list of the countries where those eyes
1. Canada
2. France
3. Germany
4. Iran
5. Morocco
6. Netherlands
7. Philippines
8. Russia
9. Slovenia
10. South
11. Sweden
12. Turkey
13. Uganda
14. Ukraine
15. United
16. United
As you
might have guessed, the United States leads my parade with a whopping 75% of
the total. The United Kingdom was also well represented. What is to my great
surprise was that Russia and the Ukraine were right up there in the numbers.
And, who would have guessed that there would be a few from Iran, and Morocco?
Think about
it – da harv is shouting out to the world. My third grade teacher called it… In
the third grade, I dominated. It was a live performance. Now, a day comes where
I don’t have the foggiest notion as to how much of what I have been writing for
the last three years is even remotely being agreed with. My conclusion is that people
are simply frightened to put their feelings down in written form. I know for a
fact that many actors fervently guard their political positions from
publications of any kind. Even some prestigious actors, who you would think
were past worrying about where the next job was going to come from, are guilty
of it. You’d be surprised at the way many of the actors who come in to audition
for me begin to whisper their feelings when others are not around. What a shame it is to not be able to
express one’s feelings for fear of being victimized by an uncalled-for
I’ve had
actors complain to me about being passed over by a producer because of their
political beliefs. In most cases, I believe their premise is not an accurate
one. Most actors who miss out on a role can blame it on their lack of skills,
more aptly stated, than a producer they think is out to get them because they
happen to be a Republican. The real truth about Hollywood is far simpler than
that. The vast majority of producers are so involved with themselves and the
projects they happen to be working on, that they, in effect, don’t give a rat’s
ass about anyone but themselves.
Often we
direct actors to display some courage of conviction in their interpretation of
the role they are preparing to present. Our desire is to effectuate movement,
change, and challenge. It’s nothing more than an attempt to portray a small portion
of a usually very small slice of life. Rarely does anything with a true
sporting chance to succeed ever accomplish its intent – goal wise – without the
magic true courage of conviction always provides.
A wimpy
director will endanger his actor’s ability to succeed in providing a true and
courageous portrayal. Courage of conviction is a must-have in order to lead.
Leadership demands conviction. “Wait and see” is not now, nor has it ever been,
the profile for true leadership.
If you
share my feelings, regarding the proper leadership our country must have in
order to continue with our truly blessed lifestyle, take a moment and
respond. I’d love to experience the board lighting up for me once again.
When it comes to encouragement, the pen is certainly mightier than the sword.
In the old days, a person could blame their lack of communication on a pen that
was out of ink… not so anymore.
I urge you
all to join da harv. Now, is the time for all good men and women to stand up
and let it be known – we voted for you and we want our moneys' worth. Tell our
servants to – lead, follow, or get the hell out of our way.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
The Happiest of July Fourth Celebrations

celebration of the founding of our country has been a time-honored event. Now,
where in the world do Americans enjoy the festivities more than on our vast
network of military bases and, of course, in Washington D.C.?
This year,
our government has announced many of our military installations will not be
having fireworks in honor of July 4th. So, all you service members living on
military compounds, along with your families and friends, will have to revel in
the glorious fact that by not having, you’re saving our government a great deal
of money.
“The Quibblers”
The Senate
and the House of Representatives are formally known together as our Congress.
The military, composed of five branches of armed forces, are our defenders.
While one group -- the ones we elected in order to serve us -- exists by
displaying a degree of quibbling, par excellence, the other -- the guys and
gals who didn’t have to but volunteered anyways -- acts on our behalf without
Yes, our
founders did sacrifice, just as our men and women now placing their lives in
harm’s way have taken an oath to do. Our military lives up to the highest standard
of God-like performance. At the same time, our HOUSE OF QUIBBLERS distinguishes
itself by saving some bucks in not allowing our service heroes to have some
fireworks to share with their family and friends.
- The nerve of these donkeys of ours, rewarding our Internal Revenue Service employees with huge salary increases at a time like this, is incorrigible.
- The nerve of paying one of our “civil” servants to sit at home and collect her wages after she spat in the eyes of our quibblers by taking the fifth, is incorrigible.
But, I
speak of things that appear as though folks are willing to live with. The other
day, I had a guy say something to me about not being able to fight City Hall.
He spelled out, in donkey-like braying, that the big wigs will always be able
to get away with whatever they want – because it’s all about money. I pointed
out to him how, since the beginning of time and up until our United States of
America came into existence, people tended to believe his asshole-like
statements as being the only true way of life.
At least the
fact “da harv” can send out his own brand of Freedom of Speech; pray for our
troops who serve as our protectors; and, at the same time proclaim the utter
stupidity of our elected Quibblers, is a form of July 4th fireworks
all of us are free to share in.
brighter light could burn, then that which has been nurtured by those who have
understood and appreciated the gifts that endow any and all, those who may
venture within the boundaries of this country’s great heart!”
- HK '01
I saw a man today
With his wife and
Very young little lady child,
Smiling as they played with one another.
How could it be?
With great wonderment
I watched this man
With his wife
With his adoring little lady child
Free from fear they gave
Each to each other
A husband to a wife
A Dad to his little lady child
As deeply as I could ever hope to be inspired
He smiled so easily as he cherished what he had
A year before as a soldier hero
This man had given almost all of what was there to give
Yet without two arms and two legs
They played together
This man, with his wife, and their little lady child.
They beamed from an inner light
Still joyful above all
With what remained
What God had not put aside.
- HK '13
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