Read, Write, and Be Merry!
Suitable for children and kids of all ages.May be consumed each and every day,
Predicated by the desires of every citizen of the world,
Free of restrictions!
“Never too early, never too late!”

Question: How can we evict uncertainty from a living breathing brain (Especially if you’re the landlord and keeper of the roost.)
Answer: Add knowledge by way of the most simplistic tools, mentally and physically, available to you by way of INFUSION!
Young, old, or just getting there—it’s never too late to learn. Believe it or not, laughter is one of the greatest salves known to men and women of this world.
The other evening, I read the first page of a hard-covered book. I had ceremoniously placed it on my nightstand, preparing for a brand-new learning experience. It’s actually my ever-so-humble form of a daily ritual for self-welfare. Free from any unwanted assistance, or insistence, from any elected official telling me what’s for my family's or my well-being!
This author's statement of fact, above, entered into his ardent quest for knowledge which seriously commenced in 1955 following his military service. My God, I was 22 years old. "I didn’t have the brains God gave a shovel."
I know more today than I’ve ever known or learned during the course of my eighty-nine years of existence on this planet. Yet my knowledge today, far outweighs any probability of me gaining fulfillment of my desire to satisfy my needs for learning.

My old reading habits are hard to break, and I categorically refuse to alter them at this stage of the game. I refer to my books as friendly nostalgia; considering writers to be performers, educators, and more often than not, our greatest historians. Writers are also the world’s greatest storytellers.
The past is for all—like it or not. Some believe being born with a past is immediate. Like birth, our past is not for us to choose, yet, we’re free in our ability to allow it to help each of us to become ingratiated by its remembrance.
Hear it, smell it, see it, dream about it, and write it down before it vanishes from your brain's storage tank. I guess some folks who might know me well, might consider me a creature from the past. But what they don’t readily think about is recognizing how often the past was just yesterday, or right smack in the wee hours of the morning. If you look and listen, you have the ability to tell (if you choose to).
What you think you can vocally do as well as anyone in the world, is yours to draw on from your past—albeit from childhood, up and until the end of this day, and perhaps tomorrow. Practice it as a personal routine, treating it as a welcome friendly personage, or sound, from your past.
Imagine one day you might be called on to perform this special sound and or approach for an upcoming audition. In your heart of hearts, you have an unabashed awareness and confidence: “They have to pick me!”

And then do what a very well-known and successful voice-over actor, Mike Road, always did as his daily ritual:
Harvey Kalmenson