"Time to Pivot"
“To be, or not to be, that is the question...”
[from William Shakespeare's Hamlet]
“To pivot, or not to pivot”
[from da harv]
I almost always get a kick out of our country’s politicians, banding together in solidarity, when they go back in time in the unilateral capturing of a word—the use of which has been around for centuries. In the speech from Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, Hamlet's quandary is over choosing life or death.

When a business pivots, it means that it’s changing some aspect of its core products or services. Businesses might pivot to better meet customer demand, shift their target audience to boost sales or some combination of both.
Often, as is the case for those of us who exist and earn our livelihood in a world of creativity, pivoting is not a welcome experience, but nevertheless, a necessary one in order to keep a business alive and well. Or as well as may be expected.
From the time and days of William Shakespeare, things they have been constantly changing. Unlike Prince Hamlet, da harv hasn’t ever taken death as a viable deterrent to life’s constant challenges. Today, we’re happy to report to you: at and in the world of Kalmenson & Kalmenson, a successful “pivot” has been accomplished! Today, we come at you, all by way of Zoom. Our Kalmenson Method has a global reach.
Cathy and da harv stand center stage, hand-in-hand, continuing our uninterrupted ride into the future. Integrity remains the mainstay of the most well-known name in the voiceover world. Ours!
Please stay tuned, and tell a friend. We’re busy working on expanding our wherewithal to greater heights than ever before! God willing, many helpful surprises are in the wings. Slings and arrows are not our intent. Giving or getting, may well be our will.
Harvey Kalmenson