Sunday, December 13, 2020

Around the Corner and Up Your Street

        Tomorrow: it will be here quickly. Have you noticed tomorrow seems to be upon us sooner than ever before? 2020 has been a year of disappearing time. For centuries, the greatest minds in our civilization have been unable to slow the passage of time.
        In St. Augustine, the oldest city in the U.S., there's a tourist attraction dating back a century that purports—albeit in a tongue-in-cheek way—to be the fountain of youth that Ponce de Leon discovered soon after he arrived in 1513, in what is now Florida.

Ponce DeLeon: killed in Cuba, 1521. He was the first governor of Puerto Rico.

        Of course, time flying by doesn’t apply to the nature of children, especially when they’re kids in some parts of the world awaiting Christmas to arrive. Kids have far less patience for the good stuff to come. Besides, nothing is truly meaningful until any of us either feel our mortality or are fortunate enough to discover what they consider to be our purpose in life.
        Please excuse the politics—I’ve been a political news addict for most of my adult life. The other day I watched intensely as the President of the United States bestowed upon Lou Holtz (one of the greatest coaches in American history), the Presidential Medal of Freedom, our country’s highest civilian honor. I personally consider Lou Holtz as one of the most inspiring human beings our country has ever produced. Lou Holtz loves his family, his country, as well as each and every young person he took on, cultivating a lifetime of kindness and friendship.

        Don’t allow Lou Holtz’s appearance to fool you; while he appears to be a very kind older gentleman, Lou Holtz is as tough as you’d expect the coach of the Notre Dame Fighting Irish football team to be.
“Don't tell your problems to people: eighty percent don't care, and the other twenty percent are glad you have them.”
Lou Holtz
        I wonder if the attached quote is an accurate appraisal for one hundred percent of our American populous. I wish Coach Holtz would answer as to whether or not our elected officials are part of his theory? If what he puts forth is accurate, then what would be the purpose behind any of us voting?
        I would like Lou Holtz to reconsider his position regarding his discouraging appraisal (although I have my own assertions). I believe at the outset of a politician’s election to the office when he or she raises their right hand, and most likely clutches a bible as well, they mean what taking the oath of office implies. My contention is a positive one. I believe they all plan on respecting the Constitution. The problem is simple, as da harv sees it; it’s simply a fact of life, our politicians live too long. They’re in the political office far too long. They become far too comfortable, and it gnaws away at their ability to think clearly.
(17th-century English life expectancy was only about 35 years. Life expectancy was under 25 years in the early Colony of Virginia, and in seventeenth-century New England, about 40 percent died before reaching adulthood.)
        In short, today’s population is far outliving what any of our founding fathers could have possibly imagined when they completed writing the Constitution. Try this on for size: today, the average age for members of the House at the beginning of the 115th Congress was 57 years, and Senators, 62 years—about the oldest in U.S. history.
        In my humble opinion, our only solution is to vote them out. I doubt if there is any likelihood of our elected officials voting, in term limits. My question is: why should any elected official be allowed to serve for a longer period of time than our president?

        And another thing I noticed: Overall, 60% of Americans say they would definitely or probably get a vaccine for the coronavirus if one were available today, up from 51% who said this in September. About four in ten (39%) say they definitely or probably would not get a coronavirus vaccine, though about half of this group – or 18% of U.S. adults – says it’s possible they would decide to get vaccinated once people start getting a vaccine and more information becomes available.
        History lesson of little consequence: when (the) Harvey Kalmenson, of Kalmenson & Kalmenson, was a child and at the behest (make that command) set forth by his mother and father. He followed their very short dissertation and presentment of fact, rolling up his sleeve and becoming one of the first recipients in his family to receive a smallpox vaccination.

Note we all should be pleased with:
After smallpox was eliminated from the world, routine vaccination against smallpox among the general public was stopped because it was no longer needed. However, because of concern that the variola virus might be used as an agent of bioterrorism, the U.S. government has stockpiled enough smallpox vaccine to vaccinate everyone who would need it if a smallpox outbreak were to occur.

        I’m so pleased to spread the good news, it’s a page from my dear father’s book: “Begin the day hunting for something good to say!
        Regardless of what any of the grief folks have to say, everything’s going to come up roses. I’m not trying to feed you a line; it’s a fact for everyone to know, regardless of your political bent: WE HAVE A VACCINE FOR THIS HORRIBLE VIRUS CURRENTLY UPON US ALL!! 
        An American four-star General has prepared his team, for the immediate distribution of the vaccine to begin after approval of this commodity.

        And one more thing to know, understand, and believe: no country in this world we live in is better equipped to stockpile and develop ways of protecting all of us than our American scientists and the distribution arm of the United States army! I have been there and participated firsthand in what our folks can accomplish when we stand together with our stout hearts on display!
Wave the flag, brothers and sisters, wave the flag. Some may have forgotten; it's red, white, and blue!


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