If ever it happens to happen and I somehow have the ability to purchase either one of them, I will, of course, have to do so. I mean, if a dream comes true who am I not to act on it.
It occurs to me, there may be some of you out there who are of the opinion thinking about luxurious automobiles is not exactly a wholesome dream for anyone, especially me, to set as a dream goal. Well, there was a time when I put having a really super house as my goal, above all else. It was a strange phenomenon when I discovered how much more important having a house was than having a car. In actuality, I needed both.
The house proved to be far more essential for a guy with a family. It’s doubtful that people go out shopping in search of a used house; the terminology is usually reserved for when you shop for a car. A house is your family's home. A car is for transportation, especially when both the husband and the mom have to go to work every day as we did!
What sealed it for me regarding the big difference between the importance of a car compared to a man’s home became apparent abruptly. While it’s true we weren’t evicted from our family homesite, the threat was an ominously dark experience. Cold, hard-to-take, and straightforwardly frightening. Multiple letters announcing the ominous date my home was going to be sold at auction; at least when it comes to falling behind on car payments, they give you the courtesy of not kicking you out of your home with all the neighbors standing around and watching the community hanging.
And at the last moment, God showed up, mission impossible was accomplished, and as one of my great friends said: “All’s well that ends well”.
My two little kids didn’t have an inkling of what had transpired. Each and every day when the girls spotted me walking down the street, coming home, they’d both dash towards me with big hugs, yelling loud enough for me to hear them from down the street, “Daddy’s home!” Those girls were helping me survive. I often felt like their hero. That was many years ago, a big time difference between then and now.
We’ve got a tenant leasing the same house today. I still own it, but now we own two houses; one of which is our home. We affectionally refer to it as “Da Villa on Da Hilla.”
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