Life and baseball have so much in common. There are good folks around every town. All you have to do is look for them, and not be afraid to swing that bat. We all find we’re provided with different abilities.
In this life of ours, no two people swing the bat exactly the same way: different strokes for different folks. Where most people should lean is in a direction, not worrying about how to do it. If you keep swinging, one day, God-willing, you will hit that damn ball, no matter who's pitching it!
And one more thing, just to prove my baseball point of view:
What follows is a drill I presented to a very special group of students while conducting a weekend seminar at the University of Southern California, circa June 1981, a mere forty years ago. I remember it as if it was yesterday.
Today, we’re going to begin with a self-generating seminar. What that means, simply stated: I’m going to give you the subject, and you’re going to prepare a sentence or two explaining your choice. The subject for you all to write about are: winners.
Write about what winners have in common, in your opinion.
As an example, regardless of how people become, winners have the strength and mental fortitude to stay the course—they keep swinging the bat. They don’t stand still. Use as few words as possible. The fewer the number of words you write, the easier it will be for your listener to understand your meaning, regardless the subject. Make sure you only write and convey the truth. Try to write an example of a person who you might emulate within your own personal future.
A few of the submissions:
1. Winners never stop working out, striving to improve is their
most salient descriptive!
2. My mom and dad got it from their parents; they never complained to us kids about what life dished out.
3. Teachers like you. I love to laugh as I learn, it always feels like you’re talking to me.
My premise then is almost exactly the way it remains today. Creatively, or just blah blah blah, in an account of something few folks will care about anyway. History is an agent of success, yours forever to acquire and use for betterment!
I told my students then, and it bears repeating, to all those with success aspirations:
Please open each day with a smile
The gist being your personal wish
By way of books and history
Seek laughter within what truth will bring
Honesty has lasted since forever began
Deceit deserts even the strongest man
And for all actors
Ever searching for success
Looking for an icon
Dreaming to replicate
It’s there before you
Your truth, won’t let you down
You above all people
Know it best
Be a glean machine
A book and some history
Small doses each and every day
A simple smile
Turns to laughter
Tomorrow morning
With a smile
A new actor, a new way
History in your making
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